Today went to kbox at katong S.C as planned on sat wif lorielle, shanise, teddy. But cindy wasn't able to make it cos of tuition :(
Met them in bus 14 and bused down...on the way shanise was busying finding more ppl to go...and finally got liyuan, candy & adrian to go...met liyuan at the shopping centre then bought tibits le then make our way to k...but we nearly search the entire S.C before finding that k at a deserted spot >.<"'...reach there at 1.30 p.m...we were late cos the booking state from 1~4 p.m...didn't manage to sing alot of song cos shanise and lorielle wanted to practise their vocal for this fridays competition...and all i know is tat shanise kept sanging 'yi ke ren shen huo' heehee and at the time being, was very 'zi lian' and too alot of photo of myself >.<"'
After the session had ended, bused back to tamp mall for dinner at 5.30 p.m? wah first time so early leh! haha Finish le went to shop around but halfway through candy & adrian went off early cos she don look so well...After they left le, acc liyuan to gurdian to buy hair wax. After shopping le, went to inter and took bus 19 wif shanise, lorielle and liyuan before changing bus 9 at shanise's bus stop...and finally home sweet sweet :)
loves always:
Stanley Bobbie