Today went to school as per normal...didn't really have lesson for the day as subject had been changed. EL~MATH, MT~SCIENCE, SS~HISTORY..haix,,but don really have lesson wif teachers cos was onli given WS to do..but in actual fact, was slacking and taking craps and joking around..haix wat a boring life i had! Still prefer to have intensive programme rather than just changing subjects! ): but some good thing was that the 4Ns does not have ASLP..and this means that we were being dismissed at 1315 hrs (:
After school went to CS to watch movie wif clique and friend: Deon, Shanise, Mavis, Teddy. Jay. intially wanted to watch at CS..so decieded to go over TM to try luck..but too bad..also don have the show haix..so changed mind to watch other show "make it happen" nice (: the storyline quite like "step up 2" lots of hip-hop and music..makes mi wants to learn dancing hehe >.<
and also went to GV to collect my membership card (:
After show ended around 1700 hrs, walk around TM and CS before heading home...reached home around 1900 hrs (: