HAPPY 2010~~!!!
Happy new year once again.
A new year, a new beginning,
It sure a perfect way to welcome 2010 (:
Countdown at
apartment !^^
Fotos are grabbed for Hui Min's FB foto album ...

(Above shots were taken while
I went to fetch Jovine from the bus stop)

(Shots above when we played
water bomb)

(Heart this above pics the MOST!!
Different style of hair drying~)

Also did a mini belated b'dea celebration for
Jobine ... ^^
(Test shot; apparently only Evon is ready)
Credits to Huimin and Kimichii
who went to the extend of buying the cake☺

Once again, lots of love to all the lovely Clique-
-Kim (For the apartment, Mumsy cooking, water balloon and sparkles !)
-Teddy (For the cake selection. Simply sinful !! HAHAHA~! And also the camera ^^)
-Mavis (For coming after ur work and thou its kinda late when we left=D )
-Jovine (For coming after ur work at 10pm !! )
-Kailing & Evon (For coming to level up the fun ^^)
LOTS OF LOVES~!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥